4 Ways To Make Your Wood Cabin Energy Efficient | Ormeida Cabins

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technician installing new energy-efficient windows in a log cabin

4 Ways To Make Your Wood Cabin Energy Efficient

If you’re looking at new ways to renovate your wooden cabin, be sure to invest in upgrades that will keep your space energy efficient. Cabin owners can save money on their utility bills by making a few adjustments to their homes. Our builders at Ormeida Cabins want to share four ways cabin owners can make their wood cabin energy efficient.

Treat Air Leaks In Your Home

Homeowners should make sure their home’s interior is airtight. Any leaks in the walls could push hot air out of the space, causing your heater to work harder. For older cabins, you can check to see if your weather-tight shells are still keeping the heat in your home. You can check for leaks around your window and door frames. These, along with your attic space, are the most common places you can find leaks. Repairing leaks and replacing window and door seals can save you money on your monthly utilities and increase your structure’s energy efficiency.

Maintain Your Home’s Insulation

Keeping your wood cabin insulated will help keep your energy costs low. Since heat rises, you should ensure your roofing is properly insulated. You will want the right kind of materials for your home so your heat doesn’t escape your cabin.

With a custom build from our team, you can choose from different roofing materials to ensure your building stays comfortable season after season. Reach out to us for more information or to get started today!

Replace Your Old Windows

Your windows affect the energy efficiency of your home. Over time, older windows can shift in their frames, causing leaks and drafts. It may be time to replace your windows if they haven’t been replaced in 10 to 15 years.

You can also invest in storm windows for your home to further reduce heating and cooling costs. They are customizable and add an extra layer of insulation to your home. Storm windows are a great option for homeowners that want to replace their old windows.

Update Your Heating And Cooling System

A great way to save on your energy expenses is by getting the right HVAC system for your home. For example, getting the right size AC will ensure that it is circulating air throughout the whole cabin without your unit working too hard. Some things you should ask yourself when choosing an air conditioner are:

  • What is my home’s square footage?
  • How many windows do I have in my home?
  • Does my cabin have one story?
  • How many ceiling fans do I have?

By determining what kind of AC unit is best for your home, a different size can impact your cabin’s energy efficiency.

Looking For Your Own Custom Cabin? Contact Ormeida Cabins!

If you’re interested in owning your own energy-efficient cabin, Ormeida Cabins would love to help. We offer a customized selection of materials that keep your home insulated and cool. Our team of Texas cabin builders offers services that provide you and your family with the best quality home. To start your build, contact us today!

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